Simple. Health. Now.
Transform Your Water In 3 Mins. With Science, Matching Your Lifestyle.

3 Mins.
3 Steps.
Every Day.
Pursuit For Natural Perfection
The aspiration of recreating nature’s original water and supported with scientific research; we present an everyday water essential which targets impurities, restores bio-minerals and revitalises the energetic structure based on innovative water science.
Combining this with research backed hydrogen concentrations, to deliver a powerful and portable health tool.
This infuses the most bioavailable and effective antioxidant into an ideal water form to reverse cellular damage and aging which results from oxidative damage.
Have you ever thought why we feel so good walking in the woods, on a beach or near a river, breathing the fresh air in the mountains, or just breathing the fresh after rain air? Well, let's see what it's all about.
The air around us is filled with electrically charged particles. Positively or negatively charged, they are called ions. Both positive and negative ions occur naturally in the air.
However, the environment we live in today has far more sources of positive ions than in the past, creating an electrical imbalance in the air and our bodies. They are also called free radicals.
Free radicals are highly reactive, imbalanced molecules that are the by-products of normal metabolism and are associated with the degenerative aging process. Free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells to neutralize their own charge, causing cellular damage.
Molecular hydrogen provides a key purpose in neutralising these free radical due to it’s ability to provide the needed electrons. Hydrogen is so effective and efficient at balancing oxidative stress that the resulting reaction byproduct is water (H20) and prevents imbalances which can occur with other antioxidants.
- Power Adapter
- USB Charging Cable
- Quick Start Guide
Our exclusive design is developed from the discoveries of both ground-breaking water science and research based molecular hydrogen discoveries.
Utilising our Australian bio-medical engineering background, we have developed a bottle which incorporates the research based hydrogen concentrations, water structuring plus remineralising and with advanced filtering safety technology, to deliver a bottle with unrivalled functionality and design.
Our advanced hydrogen generator development incorporates advanced filtering systems for impurity extraction, water structuring and remineralising for bio-availability coupled with a Nano-bubble infusion of pure molecular hydrogen for maximum absorption up to 5500+ ppb.
With design and function at the highest level, our bottle incorporates the pure quality materials from medical grade stainless steel to pure platinum electrodes and semi-shock resistant glass.

Next Level Hydration
Based on 40+ years of World-Leading Water Science
Hydrogen-Rich | Alkalised | Hexagonally Structured | Mineralised | Filtered
Explore The Bottle ...

Hydrogen Health Generator
With design and function at the highest level, our 550ml bottle generates a nano-bubble infusion of pure molecular hydrogen for maximum absorption up to 5500+ ppb.
We have designed and developed into our bottle base unrivalled performance, safety and purity for the optimal water quality.
Using our research leading PEM/SPE electrolysis technology and nano-infusion bubble functionality, the bottle delivers a high concentration bio-active hydrogen water with maximum benefits.
How It Works?
With the press of the button, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen gas in an electrolysis process. This hydrogen gas infuses into the water creating antioxidant (energy giving) water with maximum bioavailability.

SPE/PEM Technology
Using advanced Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology, the infusion of pure H2 delivers a high-concentration hydrogen with the removal of other gases, specifically chlorine and ozone.
Our membrane development incorporates Nano-bubble complex configuration for allowing maximal fluid saturation and dispersion of pure molecular hydrogen.
Portable USB Charging
The powerful battery life is coupled with the ability to charge on the go. This allows you to create clean, energetic hydrogen water anytime, anywhere.
Our bottle has a 2500 mAh Li-Po battery to power the base via USB recharging. The bottle comes with a USB power adapter for use with the wall outlet or via direct USB port such as a laptop or car port.
Within The Cell
Molecular hydrogen produced by our bottle is a small, powerful and effective antioxidant which specifically targets harmful free radicals by neutralising it via electrons.
With the ability to access the mitochondria within cells (inc brain cells), hydrogen is able to reduce oxidative stress & inflammation which causes dysfuntion of the cell and subsequently the occurrence of disease.

Hexagonally Structured
When the molecules of water are reshaped into a hexagonal structure, they exhibits remarkable properties of molecular coherence. Molecular coherence amplifies water's natural abilities to store and transfer information.
At a molecular level, our bodies are more than 99% water!
Water is responsible for the healthy function of DNA, enzyme reactions and numerous metabolic functions, it's actually the main carrier of all the bio-electric signals our bodies generate.
We can compare it to a liquid network that interconnects us at a cellular level.
Water is directly involved in the optimal functionality of all our physical and mental functions. Water is not just water. Its a complex and vital structure with unsuspected properties.

Structuring Technology
The aim was to integrate our water bottle filtering system with ground-breaking water science and health discoveries.
The result is a filtering system which produces a 0.06mA bioelectric current and Far Infrared rays which have been shown to structure water into a hexagonal form and can be utilised by the body to energize the cells. The filter combines ionic minerals and the energy required to form the ideal hexagonal water marco-structure.
Far Infrared Rays
The filter generates Far InfraRed Rays (FIR) that help to purify the water and act like a 'supercharger', assisting water to ionise and alkalize.
This has an immediate and powerful effect on water by achieving multiple benefits. This includes improved hydration, alkaline pH increased to 7.5 – 8.5 and antibacterial properties.

Bio-Mineralisation Technology
The infusion of important ionic minerals specifically magnesium, calcium and other trace minerals are incorporated within the filter. These are required for healthy bio-signalling and energy throughout the body. The structured mineral infusion utilises bioactive plant derived forms to allow for optimal upregulation and cellular absorption.
In addition, these minerals improve the body’s resistance to harmful impurities which oxidize the cells via free radical damage.

Impurity Filtering
The filtering design targets oxidative impurities specifically chlorine which cause damage throughout the body. This innovative filtering feature works to allow on the go water filtering which helps prevent additional free radical damage and optimises cellular function.
The multi-spectrum filtering design works to target chemical impurities specifically chlorine, heavy metals and pathogens.
The filter produces a bio-electric current which assists in neutralising impurities within the water.
The integrated filtering ring further utilises a specialised filtering media system to electromagnetically attract and contain impurities. This requires a simple cleaning process to be maintained.
Detailed in the quick start guide included.
Built For Life, Boosted.
Scientific research showing the powerful benefits of this safe and effective daily essential.
Incorporating the discoveries of 40 years of ground breaking water science and research from scientists around the world.
With over 1000+ scientific peer reviewed articles showing that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and essentially every organ of the human body.

Brain Boost
Infusing molecular hydrogen into water has been shown to act by reducing the most toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) which protects the cells from damage. A pilot study of 38 stroke patients showed that hydrogen water was safe and had a mild antioxidant effect.

Clear Thinking
Hydrogen water restored the natural growth of brain cells in mice. Since this also happens in people who overcome depression (with antidepressants or otherwise), hydrogen water has the potential for improving depression and other mood disorders.

Everyday Flexibility
In one pilot study, 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis drank 0.5 L/day of hydrogen water for 4 weeks. By the end of the study, all patients with early rheumatoid arthritis achieved remission and 20% became symptom-free
Molecular hydrogen (H2) also had anti-inflammatory effects in many animal studies.

Beyond Performance
In an experiment with 10 young athletes (DB-CT), drinking hydrogen water reduced lactic acid build-up during heavy exercise and decreased muscle fatigue.
Drinking 2 L of hydrogen water daily helped 8 cyclists power through sprints with more energy and less exhaustion in one small 2-week study.
In a study on mice with a serious muscle-wasting disease (Duchenne muscular dystrophy), hydrogen water prevented abnormal body mass gain and increased the production of the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase. Hydrogen water could potentially improve muscular dystrophy in DMD patients.

Keep It Light
Long-term drinking of hydrogen water helped lose body fat and weight in rats. It boosted burning fats and sugars for energy, without any change in diet. In fact, drinking hydrogen water had similar effects on the body as calorie restriction.

Improvements Worth Knowing
Drinking hydrogen water decreased cholesterol, improved glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in a study (DB-RCT) of 36 patients with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance). The patients drank 900 mL of hydrogen water daily for 8 weeks [R].
Although it may be a safe way to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, drinking sufficient amounts of regular water alone may be helpful enough. Low water intake is linked to an increased risk of high blood sugar [R].

Pride and Joy
Hydrogen water has been shown to help boost collagen production, reduce UV damage and act as an antioxidant in skin cells. This shows the potential of hydrogen water as a pleasant and safe way to reverse skin aging. The use of hydrogen water improved skin health in patients with skin redness and inflammation/pain.

Ease The Sneeze
There is potential benefit for those who suffer allergies with hydrogen water shown to help stop allergies due to its antioxidant action. A study has shown the benefits of hydrogen water in balancing the immune response for the common inflammatory allergy condition, Eczema. In mice with eczema, hydrogen water improved symptoms by suppressing inflammation and balancing both Th1 and Th2 responses.

Protect The Sense
Hearing loss often results from oxidative damage (due to aging, noise, or drugs). Molecular hydrogen protected the cells responsible for hearing from this damage and increased their survival [R].
In guinea pigs, hydrogen water prevented the death of cells responsible for hearing after noise exposure. Hydrogen water could potentially protect against hearing loss caused by noise or other types of oxidative stress.

Clear Vision
Hydrogen-loaded eye drops aided the recovery of eye injuries caused by high eye pressure in rats. It protected the nerves in the eye by its antioxidant action.
A hydrogen solution reduced detrimental blood vessel growth in mice with eye injuries from chemicals. Hydrogen solutions could be used as a first-aid eye rinse to prevent blindness from chemical burns.

Healthy Heart
In diabetic mice, hydrogen water significantly improved heart health and prevented heart disease. It could become a nutritional intervention for preventing heart problems in people with diabetes.

Liver Defence
In 60 patients with Hepatitis B (RCT), drinking hydrogen water as an add-on to regular treatment was safe and reduced oxidative stress [R].
Drinking hydrogen water suppressed liver scarring in mice by protecting liver cells from free-radical damage [R].
Hydrogen water also significantly improved liver function and reduced oxidative stress in patients with chronic hepatitis B [R].
What's To Know
To Clean:
Add Vinegar (50ml) and Water (50ml) in bottle and soak for 10 mins.
After soak, rinse with water several times. (Recommended Every 3 Months)
We recommend the use of high quality water with the addition of our shower filter with can be also fitted under the sink as a powerful multi-stage filtering system.
To Clean: Remove glass from base (counter-clockwise twist) and lid.
Then, place glass in dishwasher to clean. Note: Base is not waterproof.
For the best battery maintenance and optimal hydrogen production, charge the battery to full. (green light)
Hydrogen water is far more hydrating than tap water. It is also non-toxic and safe.
A guideline of daily water consumption for optimal hydration is 2-3+ litres per day.
Many people find from our bottle, hydration levels higher than normal from a smaller volume of water and this is due to the increased absorption with the highest bioavailable antioxidant being molecular hydrogen.
Typically, initial noticeable changes are increased mental clarity, improved energy and overall detoxing of the body via increased internal system functioning as every cell in the body will begin to rehydrate and remove toxins and metabolic waste which is a major cause of dysfunction and disease.
How bodies (cells) are naturally designed to live in an alkaline, energised ( electrically negative ) environment which consists of water. Our bottle is achieving this natural state of water which has been documented by many leading researchers in the field of water science.